Wednesday 5 September 2012 jerseys announced on New Year's address will be launched in the country after New Year's Da

e headquarters leadership openings,oakley shoes, which would not be a problem, so the leadership is very generous to say: an hour away by her I agree, the leadership immediately made arrangements, even the command do not have to let her directly first to report the
Until the wedding day, I can Xuan, only then the reasons she did not want to change jobs in front of the bridal chamber of those who face the process Lotte out: This is the military marriage, you wanted to run are not run! point, as if the experience is very rich, to them I can Xuan some do not trust the process Lotte certainly do not admit that his first love, but Yanqingxiaoyue see a little too much, so learn some experience.
This year's Spring Festival in late January, Cheng Lotte and I can Xuan marriage is scheduled for December 23 Lunar Cheng Lotte So just promoted to the data Minister then groom is double happiness.
After three months of internal testing of planetary data, personal network ID card system based on the voiceprint identification
Proved to be feasible. So in the New Year's Day, jerseys, a leader, announced on New Year's address will be launched in the country after New Year's Day, after the personal network ID card system was officially opened on May 1. All live in the Chinese territory and want to continue to access the Internet after May 1, must go to the local public security authority for the network ID card.
The introduction of this system, planetary data Pangu Plan brought great convenience. In this case, because the network ID card issued by

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